[SIGPLUS_EXCEPTION_MEMORY] Insufficient memory to carry out an operation on root/images/Aktualnosci/foto/22_11_2019/IMG_6550.JPG
, an approximate 59885568 bytes required, 31457280 bytes available. (Not all available memory can be consumed in order to ensure safe operations.)
[SIGPLUS_EXCEPTION_MEMORY] Insufficient memory to carry out an operation on root/images/Aktualnosci/foto/24_10_2019/Czajka1.JPG
, an approximate 20476800 bytes required, 31457280 bytes available. (Not all available memory can be consumed in order to ensure safe operations.)
[SIGPLUS_EXCEPTION_MEMORY] Insufficient memory to carry out an operation on root/images/Aktualnosci/foto/17_10_2019/111.JPG
, an approximate 20476800 bytes required, 31457280 bytes available. (Not all available memory can be consumed in order to ensure safe operations.)